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Navigating Through COVID-19 Responsibly

Navigating Through COVID-19 Responsibly

As we are all keenly aware, individuals, businesses, and leaders are working to solve a health issue that impacts us all. The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly and dramatically impacted the world around us — those we know, those we love, and those in communities we’ve never visited. CleverTap has joined organizations around the globe in taking unprecedented steps of prevention and safety, committed to protecting ourselves as well as those around us.
More than likely, you are reading this from your home or home office, just as I am typing this in the comfort of mine. This is a time of uncertainty, and the tension and stress are, at times, palpable. With this top of mind for everyone, I wanted to personally connect. You might be a supporter, partner, or valued customer of CleverTap, but you are also a citizen of the world. If you or those around you have been affected by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), please know our hearts are with you.
Our decisions and actions as a corporation continue to leverage the latest information and are guided by our Corporate Values. We are closely monitoring developments and remain very much committed to ensuring that our employees in all geographies are safe, our customers continue to be served well, and we adjust our sails to remain as minimally impacted as possible. As such, we are addressing these challenges with a three-pronged approach:

1. Putting People First

Our HR department is closely monitoring the situation and will continue to ensure all employees’ safety. Internally, we have assembled a Coronavirus Response Team (CRT) comprised of business leaders as well as local representatives in affected areas. The CRT syncs on a daily basis to assess the risk to employees, partners, and the business overall.
Additionally, we have taken proactive steps to limit social contact by mandating all our employees to work from home. We have also frozen all international travel, and are authorizing domestic travel only when critical to our business. To ensure positive employee morale, we have instituted daily virtual coffee breaks and “happy hours” as a mechanism to stay connected and “separate-together.” True to form, CleverTap employees have embraced these times with vigor and positivity, and it will stay that way until this storm passes.

2. Prepared for Uncertainty

While many organizations are struggling to figure out how they will survive this turbulent time, we are extremely fortunate — we have the resources we need, incredibly smart people, and a plan of action to assist both ourselves and our customers during this time.
We’re strong and when the world exits this time of crisis, we’re going to be even stronger. And we’re working closely with our customers to assist them in refocusing their efforts as they find their new strength.
We have activated our Business Continuity Plan (BCP). The BCP ensures that all CleverTap systems and operations remain unaffected through times of unanticipated challenge — to include our technology infrastructure. We will continue to deliver on our SLAs in all parts of the world and are able to collaborate and communicate with our customers, vendors, and stakeholders in the usual manner.
As many of you are aware, we have recently raised our Series C funding round, and we are adequately capitalized to serve all our customers for the foreseeable future. Additionally, we are re-examining our 2020 business plan to ensure that with the changed scenario and context, we can deliver on the same. If required, we will make adjustments. A crisis like this calls for conservative planning and careful execution, and that is precisely what is happening.

3. Assisting Businesses In Need

This is a great time to work creatively and create opportunities in the market. To assist our customers and their businesses during this time, we are operating on a single initiative: how can CleverTap help digital-first organizations save on costs and become more efficient? With the world focused on health and the global economy in daily flux, we’re using this time to connect with customers in an effort to see how we help across their business.
It was Michael Jordan who said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” This worldwide crisis is our wall, and we will rise up into the face of adversity and climb… together. Current market conditions are our wall. To succeed during times of rapid, turbulent change requires rethinking and replanning. Re-evaluating and going back to the drawing board doesn’t mean failure. It shows a recognition of the current situation and ensures a smart, appropriate reaction to change.
It continues to be our privilege to work with amazing people and organizations, and we are committed to working with all staff, partners, and contacts to get through this challenging time. We’re hopeful this situation will conclude quickly. However, in the event the world has to contend with COVID-19 longer than we all plan, we are prepared and ready to work with you to ensure success as well as everyone’s safety. While we may not be able to meet you in person, we will continue to service and support all our customers effectively through virtual channels — email, chat, telephone — and over video conferencing.
#bettertogether #separatetogether
Warm regards,
Sunil Thomas
Co-founder and CEO

Last updated on August 14, 2024