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New Data Report: What 300 Billion Push Notifications Say About Mobile User Engagement

Shivkumar M Shivkumar M has over 20 years of experience shaping technology product and GTM strategy. With B2B SaaS expertise across industries, he leads product launches, adoption, and GTM as Director of Product Marketing.
New Data Report: What 300 Billion Push Notifications Say About Mobile User Engagement

44% of iOS users and 91% of Android users opt in to receive push notifications, making them an essential channel for mobile marketers to encourage engagement and retention.
But creating the perfect push campaign isn’t easy.
Send too many messages and you’ll annoy your users. Send too few and your app is forgotten. Fail to strike the right balance and users are likely to delete your app altogether. In fact, our survey found that nearly 30% of consumers delete an app due to excessive advertising and notifications.
To understand what today’s users really want, our data science team took a microscope to over 300 billion push notifications to learn what works to engage app users — and what doesn’t.
Want to skip right to the goods? Download the full report now.

Push Notification Report 2019

How to Write Push Notifications that Engage & Convert

Benchmarks & Best Practices from 300 Billion Campaigns

Download Now

The Latest Benchmarks: CTRs by Industry & Platform

What’s a good push notification open rate? Gauge your success by comparing how your campaigns rank with other apps in your industry.

Retail, Utilities, and Education apps see the highest levels of engagement, while Food & Delivery and Media apps see some of the lowest open rates.
Wondering why? This may be the result of a high number of transactional push notifications, such as order and delivery status updates or breaking news alerts. These messages don’t have to be opened in order to provide value to users.

Copywriting Tips: How to Write the Perfect Push

Writing an effective push message always boils down to this: understanding who your user is and what they want from your app. Writing for your specific audience means taking general best practices with a giant grain of salt.
That said, we found three factors that consistently bump up engagement rates:

  • Keeping notifications brief and to the point (about 100-120 characters)
  • Creating a sense of urgency with power words like, “ending,” “don’t miss,” and “hurry”
  • Including emojis, which can improve CTRs by 9.6%

Timed for Success: When to Send Push Campaigns

Timing is an integral part of any successful messaging strategy. After all, nobody likes it when their phone dings at 5 am.
Not to mention the fact that billions of push notifications are sent every hour. When’s the best time to send your message so it stands out?

Unsurprisingly, the fewest notifications are sent in the middle of the night, and the most are sent mid-day and early evening.
However, our data shows users frequently engage with apps first thing in the morning and just before bed. With relatively few notifications being sent between 6-8am and 10pm-midnight, there’s an opportunity for marketers to engage attentive users.

Get the Complete Push Notification Report

This is just a teaser! Our data science team has a ton more info and recommendations to share.
For more insights, including specific best practices for 10+ app verticals, download the full report now.

Push Notification Report 2019

How to Write Push Notifications that Engage & Convert

Benchmarks & Best Practices from 300 Billion Campaigns

Download Now

Last updated on October 22, 2024