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Mastering Omnichannel Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For 2024

Apoorv Bhatnagar Apoorv, Sr. Digital Marketing Manager at CleverTap, drives digital marketing strategies. Expert in SEO, analytics, and channel marketing. Previous roles at Freshworks, excelling in organic SEO, lead generation, and CMS activities.
Mastering Omnichannel Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For 2024

Every interaction with your customer is an opportunity to spark a lasting relationship. But for brands to win customer loyalty in today’s highly competitive marketing landscape, where the rules of engagement are constantly shifting, many are turning toward the world of omnichannel marketing to make their mark. 

Just as an orchestra blends individual instruments to create a harmonious whole, omnichannel marketing weaves disparate channels and platforms into a seamless and unified customer experience. And it’s the secret weapon behind the growth of leading brands like Disney, Mailchimp, Target, Starbucks, and more. This is because it’s incredibly effective for extending their reach and generating revenue. 

By implementing a multi-channel campaign strategy, businesses can experience a substantial increase in their purchase rate, with those using three or more channels seeing a staggering 287% higher rate compared to those using only one channel. Furthermore, companies embracing and integrating this approach across their marketing efforts can enjoy a 30% higher lifetime value than their counterparts using only one channel.

By leveraging multiple channels and devices to engage with their customers and provide a consistent brand experience, businesses can build trust, loyalty, and engagement in ways that were never before possible.

In this guide, we’ll explore why omnichannel marketing matters for businesses today and how you can implement an effective strategy to take your marketing efforts to the next level. Then, we’ll delve into various proven strategies, channels, and outputs that can help you build a successful omnichannel marketing strategy for your organization. We’ll also examine real-life use cases that demonstrate the effectiveness of these best practices. Lastly, we’ll hear from industry experts on the top omnichannel marketing trends to keep an eye on in 2024 to ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

But first we need to define what is omnichannel marketing.

What Is Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing is the strategy behind the cohesive and personalized experience that today’s consumers expect, no matter where they engage with your brand. This powerful tactic has become increasingly essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve and drive success in the digital age. 

And according to McKinsey, the pandemic accelerated this transformation. In a recent report, 45% of respondents said they added new channels during the COVID-19 outbreak. Eighty percent of those surveyed shared that they plan to keep those channels moving forward. 

This means that whether customers interact with your brand online through your website, social media, mobile app, or in-store, you should aim to deliver the same unified messaging experience and quality of service. You should always create personalized journeys for the customer, no matter where they opt to engage with your brand. The goal is to build trust and loyalty by providing a consistent and integrated experience that meets and exceeds their rising expectations. 

Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

Think back to your last purchase. Was it in a retailer’s app? Or did you receive a nudge via SMS about an item left in your cart? If you were unhappy with the shirt, could you scan a QR code at an onsite location to initiate the return process? All of these are examples of a hybrid digital and brick-and-mortar experience. 

Benefits of Omnichannel marketing

Now, compare what that shopping experience would have been like ten years ago. Most companies had two or three channels at most to engage with their customers. You may have seen an ad in the paper or on TV, then searched around to see if that retailer was in your area. If you needed to make a return, you’d march right back to the location with your item in hand. 

A lot has changed since then.

For companies to reach you today, they have to be able to cut through significant marketing noise. And so, companies use omnichannel marketing strategies to reach customers directly and consistently through the channels they use, such as social media, in-app messages, push notifications, email, live chat, and more.

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel Marketing: What’s the Difference?

While omnichannel and multichannel marketing may sound the same, implementing these strategies varies. To break it down: 

  • Multichannel marketing is about connecting with customers across multiple channels. Those channels (e.g., website, app, social media, customer service) work independently.
  • Omnichannel marketing puts the customer at the center of the strategy. It focuses on the user experience across all channels and seeks to create a consistent, positive experience at every touchpoint in the customer lifecycle.

So while every omnichannel customer experience uses multiple channels, not all multichannel experiences have an omnichannel focus.

To be perfectly clear, when it comes to omnichannel vs. multichannel marketing, one is not necessarily better than the other. It all depends on your organization and the needs of your customers.

Explore additional use cases and the latest trends revolutionizing omnichannel experiences.

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Multichannel Marketing for Mobile Marketers

Every business offers multiple ways for customers to interact with it. In a multichannel environment, your customers engage with your brand via an ad, website, app, social media, or a physical store.

In a multichannel strategy, a company focuses on each piece of the customer lifecycle as a distinct component. For example, one department may be dedicated to advertising, while one focuses on your website, another manages social media, and another is responsible for your mobile app.

Omnichannel Marketing for Mobile Marketers

An omnichannel strategy connects all the dots, no matter how disparate they may seem. As your customers move across different channels and platforms — from encountering their first ad to downloading a mobile app to making a purchase — the messaging and transitions feel more seamless and interconnected.

Not only is your branding and messaging consistent, but each channel has information about how your customer interacts that informs and personalizes that experience, no matter where the customer encounters your brand.

Five Key Business Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

Regarding marketing, going omnichannel can be a game-changer for your business. 

Here’s why:

Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

Who Stands to Benefit From Omnichannel Marketing?

Many types of businesses and organizations can reap the benefits of omnichannel marketing. Whether you’re a retailer, an ecommerce company, a service provider, or even a non-profit organization, there’s no doubt that offering your customers a consistent experience across all channels and touchpoints is the way to go. 

But it’s not just businesses that benefit; customers too enjoy an omnichannel experience. And when customers are happy, they’re primed to come back for more, which can mean big things for the businesses serving them. 

Are you ready to experience how an omnichannel platform can take your marketing from good to seriously great? When it comes to omnichannel marketing for mobile marketers, we built the all-in-one platform that combines engagement, retention, and CLV into a seamless machine.

Schedule a live product demo with our team today!

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How to Design an Winning Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Embarking on an omnichannel marketing strategy can feel like sailing through uncharted waters. To do it confidently, companies must be able to leverage consumer behavior and preferences across all channels, ensuring they’ve built a solid foundation for their messaging and branding to translate at every touchpoint. This, of course, is easier said than done. 

On top of that, seamless customer experiences don’t build themselves; they require a significant investment in technology and infrastructure and the challenge of coordinating across teams and departmental functions. 

With all of these factors to consider, it’s no wonder that companies may hesitate to embrace an omnichannel marketing strategy—despite its many benefits. Luckily, by carefully planning, executing effectively, and prioritizing a customer-centric approach, businesses can overcome these challenges and enjoy the perks of a successful omnichannel marketing approach.

Identifying Your Ideal Omnichannel Marketing Mix

Are you looking to take your marketing to the next level? We’ll go into building your omnichannel strategy from the ground up in the following section. Still, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the channels you can mix and match as part of your marketing strategy.

Omnichannel marketing channels

9 Steps to Create an Effective Omnichannel Strategy

Building an effective omnichannel marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here are some critical steps you can take:

  1. Define your goals

    First, you’ll need to identify what you hope to achieve through omnichannel marketing. Are you looking to increase sales, improve customer retention, or boost brand awareness? All of the above? Clearly defining your goals will help to guide your strategy.

  2. Align your teams

    Are separate teams responsible for growth, marketing, product, content development, and social? Cohesion relies on your teams’ abilities to collaborate, plan, and communicate with one another. Make sure to have your team leads coordinate check-ins early, so you don’t create a wild goose chase where a separate campaign in one area accidentally cannibalizes a campaign somewhere else.

  3. Understand your customers

    To provide a seamless and integrated customer experience, you must understand how your customers interact with your brand—in all permutations. Make a mind map using collected data on their preferences, behaviors, and habits to inform your strategy. We’ve provided a free customer journey map template to help you get started.

  4. Segment your customers

    Now that you’ve identified who your customers are and what matters to them, it’s time to break them out into groups based on their needs, interests, and behaviors. That can include several attributes like pages they’ve visited, products they’re interested in, their geographic location, mobileOS, and their names. You can also take into their needs and behaviors to improve the targeting of your campaigns. Think personal demographics, customer lifetime value, app activity, habits, or specific needs they have. Using CleverTap’s automated segmentation tools, you can build actionable user segments based on historical data or real-time user interactions. The better you match your messages to their intent and need.

  5. Choose the proper channels:

    Identify which channels your customers use most frequently and which are most effective at achieving your goals. This may include a blend of social media, email, SMS, mobile apps, and more.

  6. Make a consistent brand experience

    You may be telling your brand’s story across multiple touchpoints, but customers only see your brand as a whole, regardless of what channel they’re on. Ensure your messaging, branding, and design are consistent and mapped to each user’s lifestyle and preferences. For instance, you don’t want to send an onboarding referral code to someone who’s been a loyal customer for several years. Consistency is foundational to building brand recognition and trust. 

  7. Personalize your messaging

    Now it’s time to infuse your comms with relevant and engaging content using a customer journey-building tool. Because you’ve already segmented your users, you can use that information to make your messaging more relevant. The more details you can collect on your customers, the more complete your user profiles become, which means you can segment them and message them to create a more personalized customer experience.

  8. Leverage marketing automation technology

    A holistic view of your campaign performance is critical to success. Using the best marketing automation tools and customer relationship management (CRM) software will help you to streamline your omnichannel strategy and improve efficiency. Consolidating your martech stack will help eliminate redundancies in your efforts and ensure the integrity of your data.

  9. Measure and optimize

    Don’t just set it and forget it. The best omnichannel marketers continue to test and iterate, even post-launch. Monitor the performance of your omnichannel marketing campaigns and use data to improve and optimize your strategy continually.

How to Measure the Success of Your Omnichannel Strategy

Now that you’ve taken stock of your omnichannel strategy, you’ll want to measure the performance of your campaigns. Omnichannel reporting lets you see how you perform against key performance indicators to ensure you stay on track and meet your goals. The data you pull paints a comprehensive picture of your marketing channels’ performance. 

There are four types of metrics business owners should monitor regularly:

Social Media Metrics

Some of the most important social media metrics to track include:

Tip: Benchmarks vary wildly, so you’ll want to take regular snapshots to compare results to those within your company and your industry. For example, if your customer acquisition cost (CAC) in the healthcare sector is $200, is that considered good? Comparing this to industry-wide benchmarks will help you see where your business stacks. And by the way, we have a stack of vertical-specific app engagement benchmark reports.   

Website Metrics

Next, you’ll want to keep tabs on similar metrics for your site to evaluate if your messaging is getting the job done. Omnichannel marketers need to know where their traffic comes from. So omnichannel attribution —  measuring each marketing element’s role in helping drive an  eventual conversion — is essential to getting your customer journeys where they need to be. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Page traffic
  • Time spent on page
  • Average session duration
  • Average page views
  • Bounce rates
  • Devices
  • Exit pages
  • Conversion rates

Tip: You can track these in an embedded analytics program like Google Analytics. Always check that you’ve configured this correctly, and create a filter to eliminate in-house traffic from measurements. Also, keep an eye out for bot activity and invalid traffic. 

Click-Through Rates

This metric is critical to track to test how effective your channels are. CTRs can indicate if specific marketing channels are meeting expectations and which are most effective for your goals. You can also get additional insights, such as which messages increase clicks.

Tip: You’ll also need to benchmark these against your industry. There are wide variations across industries, like 2.2% CTRs for apparel, fashion, and jewelry, 5.5% CTRs for business services, and 8.88% CTRs for finance and insurance.*

Conversion Rates

The holy grail of omnichannel marketing. You’ll need to determine the pathway that led to conversions. This can help you to:

  • Identify your top-performing marketing campaigns
  • Identify your top-performing marketing channels
  • Understand your return on investment (ROI)
  • Optimize the customer experience

Tip: Use conversion rates to spot weaknesses or gaps in your omnichannel marketing strategy. For example, suppose you experience a surge of traffic on a particular channel, but conversion is lower than on another marketing channel. In that case, this pinpoints where you can dig deeper and discover what’s holding you back.

Getting the Most Out of Your Omnichannel Strategy

Now that we’ve gone over the channels, tactics, and metrics that factor into a winning omnichannel marketing strategy, it’s time to discuss how to get the most value out of your efforts. 

Selecting the right marketing automation platform will go a long way toward helping you reach your business objectives. You can expect your stack to evolve along with your brand’s needs. Here’s what to look for: 

  1. Seamless Integration. This is critical to delivering an utterly cohesive experience end-to-end. Does it integrate easily with other marketing tools like your CRM or CDP? Make sure it’s built to integrate vertically into the other tools you already have.
  2. Personalization Capabilities. Look for a platform that can pull in data strategically to personalize customer experiences across all channels you’ve decided to incorporate into your strategy.
  3. Unified Customer Data. Nothing disrupts the customer experience faster than a conflicting message. You’ll want to ensure you invest in tools that can unify your online and offline channels to ensure you keep your campaigns clear from accidentally competing with each other. That data should be uniform across every channel for optimal consistency.
  4. Reduces Manual Lift. Some platforms are all-in-one, and some will focus on more specific use cases. Either way, you’ll want to invest in a product with built-in automation capabilities that increase operational efficiency. Building sophisticated customer journeys needn’t come at the expense of having a time-saving tool that’s streamlined and intuitive.
  5. Advanced Analytics. Your data will help you flesh out your audiences and personas, so the solution should be comprehensive enough to help you monitor your channel performance in real-time, track user actions, and identify any roadblocks ahead of time.
  6. Secure and Compliant. Don’t skip data privacy regulations. You’re dealing with sensitive data any way you slice it. Look for a solution that meets all compliance requirements, including GDPR and CCPA.

Omnichannel 2024: AI Powered Retail Success Stories

Your customers are constantly on the move, making it hard to know how best to engage with them to drive loyalty and increase sales. An omnichannel approach enables companies to meet their customers directly where they are by treating them as individuals to a journey as seamless as it is bespoke. 

In this section, we’ll examine two real-life use cases of companies that have successfully woven a customer-centric omnichannel strategy into the core of their marketing efforts.

Muuv Labs: Inspiring Fitness Fans From the App to the Gym

Fitness apps and subscription services have exploded in popularity since the start of the pandemic when businesses had to shutter their physical locations. Since then, it’s become a struggle for companies to create cohesion between in-app and in-gym experiences. By contrast, they’ve made fast work of bridging that gap.

Founded in 2011 in New York City, Muuv Labs is on a mission to help health and wellness companies develop tomorrow’s most cutting-edge apps and products. From captivating fitness and wellness content to interactive, real-time coaching, Muuv Labs excels in developing deeply personalized, multi-touch journeys that motivate users to “get moving.” Vi Engage, their cloud-based SaaS product, helps health experts deliver a deeply personalized experience for their clients and customers.

So, what’s their secret? Zeroing in on the right channel mix has proved crucial to Muuv Labs’ success. The company leverages channels like email, push notifications, and in-app messages to congratulate users on their progress or encourage them to keep going if they’ve been inactive for some time. 

Having a suite of channels also makes it easier to promote behavior-setting that drives engagement within the app, like getting users to work out more regularly. “So a typical customer journey for us begins with trying to get our members and users to do their first workout,” explains Kim Adams, Director of Marketing, Client Manager. ”And when we say workout, we could mean in a physical location or doing a home workout digitally, or even an activity that somebody’s already doing that they might connect to the app via Apple Health or Google Play.” 

To sweeten the experience, Muuv Labs also embraces personalization. If the pandemic pushed more fitness consumers online, it highlighted the importance of offering prescriptive tips that save time. “You can save [people] that brainpower—they’re stressed out enough,” Adams notes. “‘Just tell me what to do, and I’ll go do it.’ ”Using a recommendation engine, they can up the ante by infusing personal details into each experience. 

For instance, based on a user’s past activity, like what exercises they skipped or if they indicate a preference for strength-building to endurance-building workouts, Muuv Labs can surface the workouts they’re more likely to engage with. Along the way, they can speak to customers individually by incorporating elements like their name, goals, and even music they might enjoy listening to as they break a sweat. 

But for any omnichannel experience to truly sing, Adams insists cohesion is everything. You want to ensure each message feels connected to its journey, irrespective of the channel it’s on; for Muuv Labs, that can also translate to in-person activities and in-app engagement. Whether at home or in the gym, Muuv Labs is seamlessly helping users create healthy habits and reach their fitness goals. For one of their clients, a prominent American chain of gyms, they’ve designed in-gym Wi-Fi and kiosks where customers can log in to access recommended workouts or personalized playlists. 

And for those looking to kick their fitness goals into high gear, guesswork can be the enemy of progress. To help them, they built a fitness plan engine that provides users with recommendations for workouts over the next several weeks or months. “We do that for a couple of clients,” Kim explains. “Just making sure that people have the things that make them comfortable in the gym or at home, getting the workout in and bettering themselves physically.” 

AirAsia: A Super App That Turns Insights in Omnichannel Engagement

AirAsia takes individualized, multi-touch journeys to the next level with an approach designed to drive engagement and revenue. The low-cost airline set out early on to widen air travel accessibility with cost-effective ticketing, but the pandemic pushed the company to innovate in creative ways. 

When most of the world was locked down and at home, why not expand that accessibility into other areas outside transportation? Since this pivot, the company has transformed into a super app with unparalleled visibility into customers’ preferences and needs. This strategy has opened up a world of personal services consumers can take advantage of, from ordering food to ride-hailing or securing a loan to cover the cost of a trip.

What makes this super app so powerful? Well, data, for starters. Centralizing users’ activity and information enables them to simplify the travel experience, a bit like having a personal travel concierge in your pocket. This holds true even if a user hasn’t downloaded the app on their phone. For instance, if a customer’s boarding gate changes, a push notification wouldn’t be helpful to them. Not a problem, however. AirAsia can leverage that customer’s information to send an SMS informing them of the gate change. 

What powers a practical omnichannel experience is the relevancy of the messages the customer receives. For instance, while it’s a great start to prompt a user to book a ride, using data in context makes those messages feel hyper-resonant. That high degree of personalization makes for a more user-friendly experience overall. 

Su Lin Teo, Head of Growth & Digital Marketing, told us during a panel discussion: “As we launch more and more businesses and expand our features, all this micro-knowledge or micro-information helps make it very intuitive for the user.” 

AirAsia thinks holistically regarding the end-to-end customer journey, with much of its communications triggered and driven by past activity, location data, and user preferences. 

For instance, once a customer books a flight, AirAsia can anticipate the user needing a ride to the airport and send a push notification to book their Lyft. From there, they might recommend purchasing a specific in-flight meal the customer bought on a previous flight. Once the traveler lands at their destination, they’ll find another push notification that prompts them to book their ride to the hotel. 

And this, says Teo, is just the tip of the iceberg for what they have planned. “We want to get better at [personalization] so that the services we offer [are] truly personalized with their need then, not just the need in general.”

Top 7 Omnichannel Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2024

For anyone looking to the future of omnichannel marketing, we’ve got you covered. Let’s check out the top seven trends and themes in omnichannel marketing that you can expect to influence this year’s business strategies. 

  1. Brick-and-mortar experiences are here to stay but evolving. 75% of consumers, when surveyed, say being able to see and try on items in person is the main reason they continue to shop in-store. While digital experiences offer unparalleled conveniences, there’s nothing quite like the spark customers experience when purchasing in person.

    For many businesses, the best plan of attack is to consider all customer touchpoints and map them according to their lifecycle stage. For instance, brick-and-mortar stores remain effective for fulfilling online purchases, reducing returns, and cutting shipping times and costs. Having a physical location can also boost brand loyalty and promote the feeling of community between consumers and businesses. Physical locations are a great way to deliver new brand activations, from pop-ups to classes to exciting promotions. In-person shopping isn’t on its way out; it’s just got a fresh new look.
  2. Data remains king, even with the impending loss of cookies. It’s next to impossible to market to a consumer you don’t understand. The more data and analytics you have, the easier it is to personalize your omnichannel campaigns, track and measure omnichannel attribution, surface promotions, and track customers at risk of churning. And while third-party cookies may be taking their last breaths, adapting to the new way forward may not be such a bad thing.

    First-party data has a higher fidelity, and companies that respect consumer data are 95% more likely to earn and keep their trust. Meanwhile, newer technologies that support first-party data are helping to unify real-time customer profiles, enabling companies to market better the kinds of relevant, cohesive experiences that are more likely to convert.
  3. Buy Online, Pick Up In Store remains on the rise. Click-and-collect delivers what customers want in a fast, convenient, and efficient way. It can move the needle when coordinated with an omnichannel strategy that alerts customers when their order is ready for pick up. 67% of consumers have used this retail method in the past six months, and 75% of shoppers who have used BOPUIS say they will likely make an additional purchase. This is excellent news for businesses of all stripes looking to reduce shipping costs, boost fulfillment rates, and reduce unnecessary friction at checkout. Look for companies to continue to get more juice for the squeeze out of this low-hanging fruit.
  4. Mobile as your sales driver. Today, mobile devices account for 71% of retail traffic. While we may only make a few calls nowadays, consumers use them constantly to shop for everything from groceries to apparel to cleaning supplies and pet food. What’s more, they expect brands to be able to keep up with their expectations and offer a mobile-first checkout experience, from shipping updates to push notifications about their orders. You can also expect them to continue to prefer mobile-friendly payment options like Google Pay and Apple Pay.
  5. Social media is a bona fide marketplace. Consumer behavior is changing rapidly, with 48% likely to purchase directly from TikTok. Gen Z is more likely to turn to TikTok for searches and recommendations than Google. Social platforms will continue to hold enormous sway in consumers’ purchasing habits in the coming years, and it’s estimated they’ll generate $30.73 billion in sales this year alone, accounting for 20% of global ecommerce revenue.

    What does this mean for your business? For retailers, a social media presence remains critical—and you can expect video content to figure prominently, as many consumers turn to videos to help them decide what to buy before making a purchase.
  6. Hyper-personalization seals the deal. The market may be volatile, but consumers have indicated one deciding factor businesses must consider if they haven’t already: hyper-personalization. 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer a personalized experience.

    With more content and choices to navigate than ever, customers will pay more for businesses to provide experiences that curate specifically to their needs and preferences. Companies that can leverage data to surface relevant recommendations based on past browsing behavior or activity are best positioned to stand out from the pack.
  7. Customer service can make or break a business. 76% of customers will abandon a brand after a negative experience. With such high expectations, omnichannel engagement leads to higher customer satisfaction and retention. Increasingly, companies are adopting three or more channels and technology like in-browser chatbots to lighten operational lift on CX teams, reduce response times, and surface more relevant product recommendations. Expect more seamless responses to lead to higher conversion rates overall.

Getting Started With an Omnichannel Marketing Platform

No matter what type of business you have, whether ecommerce, retail, gaming, fintech, or subscription service, we hope you found value and practical guidance in the examples of omnichannel marketing we explored above.

Whether just starting out or looking for inspiration to improve your strategy, omnichannel engagement can increase customer lifetime value, retention, and revenue. By adapting these strategies to your specific needs, you can effectively incorporate them into your marketing campaigns to deliver the seamless experience that your customers demand. And thanks to CleverTap, it’s easier than ever to have the right message, to the right customer, at precisely the right time across mobile, email, and web channels.

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Omnichannel Engagement That Goes Beyond Basic Messaging With CleverTap

If you want to reach customers where they are, then you have to engage them on their preferred platforms — crafting messages that resonate, then sending these messages at the time when they’re most receptive to your marketing. This is what it means to go beyond just basic messaging: it’s taking the extra step to reach customers where they want to be reached.

All-in-One Platform for Reaching Customers Everywhere 

CleverTap’s all-in-one engagement platform offers a wide range of features to help your brand create and deliver personalized messages to your customers across mobile, email, web, and other channels.

Guide to omnichannel marketing

Omnichannel Engagement Gets Your Message Across ALL Channels

When it comes to meeting customer expectations, your brand has to be ready to reach out where customers want to be reached. Use CleverTap’s omnichannel engagement tools to deliver a seamless brand experience with marketing campaigns that connect across mobile, web, and the in-app experience. 

With CleverTap, you can:

Segment Your Audience 

Identify and group customers based on shared characteristics such as their in-app behavior, preferences, and psychographics. This allows you to send personalized messages to each segment at a level that tells them “This brand understands me.”

Personalize Content

Fine-tune message content and delivery times for individual users based on what they do in your app. Recommend content that hits the right spot. Send them irresistible offers that aren’t available to the general population. Because every customer is unique, and your content should be relevant to each person. 

Optimize Campaigns

Tailor campaigns to reach each customer on the channel they prefer for incredible engagement, retention, and conversions. 

Automate Delivery

Create and deliver sophisticated campaigns across all channels for thousands, millions, or billions of users with perfect deliverability. Automating your messaging campaigns saves time and resources, ensuring that customers receive the right message at the right time.

Measure Results 

Track the performance of your omnichannel engagement campaigns to see what’s working and what’s not. Even better, track those KPIs in real time with CleverTap. This allows you to pivot when necessary, or instantly optimize campaigns for better results.

CleverTap Knows Omnichannel Engagement 

With CleverTap’s messaging suite, you can create a truly omnichannel messaging experience for your customers. This will help you reach them where they are and deliver the perfect message at the optimal time.

Discover the power of omnichannel for company growth.

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Last updated on May 9, 2024