
July 6, 2018

Mobile app attribution is a methodology in mobile marketing which refers to measuring user events such as installs, app launches, completion of specific behaviors, or purchases that convert a user – all as a result of marketing efforts.

Technically, attribution is the assignment of values to certain user actions (i.e. events or touch points) that contribute in some manner to a desired outcome.

The Challenges of Attribution in Mobile

Attribution is sometimes difficult because there is no real standard for measuring mobile marketing methods. Without the right attribution method, a mobile marketer cannot accurately measure the performance of campaigns that were launched.

Traditionally, in online advertising, marketing attribution has very specific (and old school) methods that just work. You have the usage of cookies, pixel tags, or appending custom parameters to URLs. But in mobile apps, these methods don’t always work the way they do on the web.

Your Mobile Platform Should Give You Attribution

What you need is a tool which allows you to trace every user back to the first source of contact. This is true attribution and allows you to fine tune your strategy for acquiring new users.

With an intelligent mobile marketing platform such as CleverTap, you can measure the success of your campaigns even if they’re run on different advertising platforms. This allows you to understand immediately which channels give you the most engaged customers.

Read More About Attribution

  • How CleverTap Gives You True Attribution
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