Opt-in / Opt-Out

July 9, 2018

Opt-in or opt-out refers to a user’s decision to receive product information from you. The information they choose to accept could include:

  • Offers
  • Alerts
  • Updates, or more

They’re sent via permission-based marketing channels: emails, SMS, in-app notifications, and/or push notifications.

If a user opts in to receive your marketing materials, you can continue sending them until the user opts out. This is the method that marketers of every stripe use to gain permission to market to an individual.

The Importance of Monitoring Opt-In Rates

Why watch opt-in rates? They tell you the percentage of users who allow you to market to them.

The opt-in rates of first-time users for marketing campaigns hovers at 63%.

If you want to increase opt-in rates, then there are several ways to do so.

  • You can offer users incentives to complete the first transaction within a time frame.
  • You could use geolocation to send custom offers and messages when users are in a physical location.
  • You could improve customer experience by using deep links so that users are led straight to the content they want.

Read More on Opt-in and Opt-out Rates

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