Want to send a reminder to a user a day before their trip starts? How about telling a user her Coupon is expiring in two days? Or sending a courtesy Push notification reminding her the rental return date is tomorrow?
CleverTap’s newest feature allows you to trigger Push Notifications or Emails off of Date & Time values stored in the property of an Events.
Here’s an example of an Event and its Properties:
You’ve always been able to trigger messages off of an Event. For example when a user performs the Event to complete a hotel booking (“Booked Hotel”), you could immediately send them a thank you notice.
Now you can trigger off of a Property of an Event if it is has the format of Date/Time. This allows you to, for example, send a reminder Push one day before the Reservation Date for the hotel they just booked.
Here’s how it works:
Check out this short tutorial video to see the feature in action.