In today’s crowded App Store, users rely heavily on app reviews to choose whether or not to download your mobile app. In fact, reviews are one of the key elements on whether or not your app will be a success.
Does it matter whether your app has 3.9 stars than 4.0? ABSOLUTELY! In a recent blog post by our partner Mobincube, they have outlined how an increase by 0.1 or more can make a huge impact in your earnings.
In May at a recent I/O event, Google gave some interesting facts about the impact of reviews on app earnings. Check the chart below:
The average quality score of one app is one of the key factors for people to decide if they’ll install your app. If your app’s score is above 3.0, it will make 9 times more downloads than if it falls below that score. Even if the gap is too small, like from 2.9 to 3.0, there’s a big psychological gap. People will think that your app is almost crap if the score is 2.9. But if the score is 3.0 they’ll think that your app is at least decent.
Perhaps the best proof that app store ratings matter, is illustrated by a look at the market research numbers:
As a publisher, you have to take your App Store reviews seriously if you want your business to succeed.
How can you increase the score of your app?
Of course, providing apps that satisfy user needs is key. High quality app, catchy App Store screen shots, personalized user experience, high engagement, customer support … it all can help. But most users forget to rate apps. Should you remind them?
Mobincube a platform that helps developers build apps for free recommends that you use in-app messaging to gently remind users to rate your app. Don’t bombard your users with tons of pop-up messages with reminders, no matter who the user is. Use customer segmentation to select your most active users to give you a positive App Store review.
How to send reminders only to your engaged users?
For getting better App Store reviews, it’s all about in-app messaging and using a mobile analytics and engagement platform to invite users to rate your app. We assume that unhappy users won’t use your app more than once, but engaged users will.
Find out how you can increase mobile growth engagement for your app and increase your earnings by x2 or x4. today by checking out our recent case study, DealsPlus.