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Be Grateful for What You Have by Akshay Panchal

Akshay Akshay Panchal, Senior Manager of Web Development at CleverTap, has 9 years of experience, excelling in BFSI and web domains with high-quality digital solutions.
Be Grateful for What You Have by Akshay Panchal

Having a bad day? If you find yourself complaining about a situation, you surely need to learn from our very own Akshay Panchal who is a Senior Manager of Website Development. Here is his message, spreading gratitude, positivity, and cheer. And always remember, “No matter what the situation, you have a choice.”

‘’Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you; instead, try to see the positive in every situation.’’ I have been following this mantra every single day, through the good times and the not so good. 

For quite a long time, both my parents weren’t well, and this was a very difficult time for me. But I chose to stay strong. During many trips to the hospital, I saw people in far worse situations and this helped me to be grateful for what I have. I learned to see the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark it was at that moment. I am always hopeful, in any situation in life that I may face.

Early Days and Engineering

I have a lot of engineers in my family, and therefore pursuing a career in engineering became the obvious choice. I completed my diploma and degree. I was completing my MBA and did my CAD on the side. 

I love my work as it gives me the opportunity to be creative, and I am very passionate about what I do. I am also fortunate to have a friend who has been my biggest supporter, both personally and professionally. 

What Keeps Me Going

Being the only person in the family earning an income, and with my parents having so many health issues, I try to look at this as simply a phase of life and approach it with gratitude and a smile. I truly believe, even when I am going through the toughest of times, as long as I am equipped to handle it, I shall sail through.

Maintaining a balance between professional and personal life can also be tricky. From the early days, I’ve been a night owl. I complete my work at night and never miss deadlines. When it gets too taxing, I keep thinking positively and work immensely on self-motivation. My wife has been an incredible support and has always stood by me. After my mother passed away two years ago, she’s been a great support for my father, managing everything in my absence. Together, we’re a strong and enduring team.

The Right Attitude Goes a Long Way

When I hear people casually talking about stress and needing a break, I sometimes find it funny. People take life way too seriously, and even when things are good, they place way too many expectations on themselves. A little empathy, for yourself and others, will make you appreciate how much you have to be grateful for. Appreciate the little things in life and never take anything for granted.

CleverTap: A Blessing

Recently, we had a major website launch, and I had a very important role in this project. There were press releases lined up, and we had to be on our toes. Two days before the major event, my father had an unfortunate fall and had to have major surgery which could not be postponed simply because of my work responsibilities.

My team and seniors were so supportive of me during this time. Interns were hired for the extra work, and my workload was shared. My managers even told me to focus on family and that work could come later. I was so touched by this gesture. Not only in this instance but many other times over the years when I‘ve witnessed this beautiful culture, and I am grateful to be a part of this organization.

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Last updated on January 29, 2025