Journey Map

December 10, 2018

A user or customer journey map is a useful tool for figuring out how a person comes in through your marketing channels and eventually becomes a customer.

What is a Journey Map?

A user journey map – also known as a customer journey map – is a visual representation that illustrates each step in the customer journey, all from the customer’s perspective.

The fact that it is graphical and contains both visuals and text means it is easy to understand and is practically an infographic.

Elements of a Journey Map

Journey maps plot out every customer interaction with your brand: from emails, banner ads and social media interactions to app notifications, landing pages, and customer support chats.

At each interaction, you list down the feelings, expectations, and emotions that your customers experience. This data is gathered through research and feedback from interviews and focus group discussions.

The journey map will look something like this:

A sample journey map

Why a Journey Map is Useful

Because the journey map tells the story from the customer point of view, it can be a useful tool for discovering where friction points lie so you can improve them (or take them out). And it helps you realize what customers expect at every interaction.

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