
December 10, 2018

Remarketing on CleverTap allows you to engage users outside your app with Facebook Audience and Google Ads. This way, previous website visitors can be served ads that are personalized to their experience.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is basically a technique that allows you to put highly targeted ads in front of an audience who has already interacted with your website.

How Does Remarketing Work?

To enable remarketing, you embed an invisible piece of code onto your website which then saves visitors’ cookies to your list. These lists can be focused around specific pages, for example, “visitors of the pricing page” or “visitors of our sale items.” Then you can send remarketing ads that match the page visited.

More Examples of Remarketing Campaigns

You could create a winback campaign for inactive users and those who have uninstalled by showing them products they’ve previously viewed, or that are related to those they’ve viewed in the past.

In CleverTap, this is as simple as creating a user segment and defining which Facebook Adset you want to associate with it. No other integration required.

Read More About Remarketing on CleverTap

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