Learn how you can Unlock Limitless Customer Lifetime Value with CleverTap’s All-in-One Customer Engagement Platform.
Geolocation is the usage of technology to pinpoint a user’s geographic location on a map. If you have to ask “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?” Geolocation is the tool that can tell you for certain.
Figuring out a user’s location is accomplished by pinpointing the source of the user’s signal – whether that signal is coming from a mobile device or a computer connected to the internet.
Why bother with geolocation at all? Because it helps you target a very specific set of your app users: those who are in a physical location that can speed up their conversion.
Say, for example, that your brand has both an ecommerce app and a brick-and-mortar store. If you have geolocation permissions activated as part of your app, you can send push notifications to app users who are in a one mile radius from your store to come check out the latest items on sale.
In CleverTap’s mobile marketing platform, Geolocation allows you to trigger those location-based messages in real time. As soon as a user is in proximity of specified physical address, the system can trigger messages to them and send them offers that can unlock at the location.
Simply put, it’s an effective way to get relevant foot traffic to your product or service.