It’s a Crisp, New 2024!

Ruchita Mahimkar Ruchita comes with a decade of experience in Retention Marketing, and is now helping early-age startups turbo-charge their growth with CleverTap.
My experience of Web Exit Intent Notifications
A warm hello from Team CleverTap!

My last read of the year 2023 was a book called ‘Start with Why?’ by Simon Sinek. If I were to summarize the book, it would be essentially to take a top-down approach to any problem or situation that you approach.

Why – The core reason behind an action and why it is important.
How – How do we strategize to achieve the action.
What – What tools would we require to achieve the action.

This principle is applicable when devising marketing strategies and even when deciding the tone of communication with the users.

The ‘Why’ could talk about your core KPIs, like increasing retention, decreasing app uninstalls, increasing offer adoption, etc. The ‘How’ involves your different segments, customer types, select geographies, segmented offers, and the ‘What’ can address different journeys, communication tones, personalization, and so on. Attention from top to bottom is crucial to determining the success of your initiative.

Let’s take an example of a Food recipe application that’s experiencing a drop in their app retention numbers.
Why – To increase the retention rate of Active customers
How – Custom Segments basis their most searched recipes (Recipes of cake, pies, puddings, cookies, etc), or basis festive recipe searches around Christmas
What – Running an Omni-channel journey for a month with the locked offer along with specific offer code. Communicating new recipes on purchasing / gifting a recipe book.

I hope this helps you when devising your strategies. In order to learn the different types of campaigns that you can run, do give the following posts a read!

Multiple Segments all in a single campaign!
Inaction Simplified: Capture drop-offs like a Pro
My experience of Web Exit Intent Notifications
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Ruchita Mahimkar
Ruchita comes with a decade of experience in Retention Marketing, and is now helping early-age startups turbo-charge their growth with CleverTap.
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