Viral Marketing Glossary

December 10, 2018

You’ve seen the memes on social media or the videos on Youtube that are shared millions of times, prompting even more people to share them to their circles. That’s usually a direct result of viral marketing.

What is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing involves using marketing tactics to promote content that is designed to be shared (i.e., meant to “go viral”).

The problem with virality is that it’s never predictable. It all depends on how relevant or entertaining its audience finds the content. All that marketers can do is to plan for virality and build a process that can make a campaign more easily shareable.

Viral Marketing Advantages

  • Low cost: You often don’t need a large budget to produce something relevant and share worthy.
  • Reach: “Going viral” spreads your message and your brand much further than you might expect.
  • Credibility: When your brand is on everyone’s feed or becomes the topic everyone talks about, you’ve boosted brand awareness and credibility in one fell swoop.

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