Analytics Enhancements + Session Analytics

May 28, 2020

Our core analytics has undergone a significant upgrade. Teams can now understand user behavior and the impact of engagement activities with best-in-class analytics – now available for all accounts on the CleverTap platform.

NEW analytics functionality includes:

  • Funnels and Cohorts (Update)
    • Compare retention and conversion across multiple segments
  • Trends (Update)
    • Compare multiple events:
      • Split and compare an event by user property values
      • Summarize an event by its event property
      • See detailed stats in a tabular view
    • Compare events by segments:
      • See detailed stats for each breakdown in a tabular view
  • Session Analytics (New)
    • Track events that are part of the same session, track by session ID, and view analytics for number of sessions each day, and total session duration by day

These features are available for all customers.