CleverTap Industry Benchmarks

How does your app’s performance compare to your competition in click-through rates and view rates? Use this exclusive Live Benchmarks page to see how your email and push notifications perform vs. the rest of your industry. And because this page is live, you’ll always have the latest benchmark data.

    Push Notifications

    More than 2.24 Trillion push notifications analyzed. Data derived from over 5,100,000 campaigns across 464 customers.


    More than 29.3 billion emails analyzed. Data derived from almost 212,000 campaigns across 287 customers.

    Average Push Notification CTRs across months:

    Average Push Notification CTRs across weekdays:

    Email View Rate Stats:

    Average Email View Rate: 26.26%

    Email Click Rate Stats:

    Average Email Click Rate: 26.26%

    Key Metrics

    • Retention Benchmarks: Stickiness (DAU/MAU): 19.38%
    • Uninstall and Reinstall Benchmarks:
      Uninstall Rates

      26.34% of new users uninstall within a month. Of these users, 80% uninstall within the first 10 days.

      Reinstall Rates

      15.04% of users reinstall within a month. Of these users, 80% reinstall within the first 10 days.

    • Engagement Benchmarks: Average app launches per month: 9.08