Clever Confluence

Get a deep understanding of the CleverTap platform and become an intelligent mobile marketer.

15th November 2019 | 10:00AM – 4:30PM
Hotel Royal Orchid Regenta, Adjoining KGA Golf Course, HAL Old Airport Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008

Why Attend The Event

You will learn how to leverage CleverTap platform to its full potential. The sessions will be detailed with concepts and implementation of use-cases for enterprises. The exclusive training led by Senior Product Experts and Evangelists is worth INR 5000. This program would be very useful for a Product or Marketing manager. The program discussion would be around complex use cases and how to get insights from your user behaviour.

Agenda and Timing

  • 10:00AM – 10:30AM : Registrations
  • 10:30AM – 12:00PM : Session 1 : Key Concepts & Segmentation
  • 12:00PM – 12:45PM : Session 2 : Analytics Module
  • 12:45PM – 1:30PM : Working Lunch
  • 1:30PM – 2:15PM : Session 3 : Discovery Tools
  • 2:15PM – 3:30PM : Session 4 : Engagement Module
  • 3:30PM – 3:45PM : Tea Break
  • 3:45PM – 4:30PM : Session 5 : Deep Diving into “Whats New”

Improve Mobile Marketing ROI

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